Laurimar, Victoria
Lend Lease
A group of significant existing Eucalyptus camaldulensis (River Red Gum) provides the framework for a bold entry statement for this development, with oversized curved rusted steel blades and mesh screens located amongst the existing trees. The custom made blades are repeated at various locations throughout the development, match the scale of the existing trees and provide a simple and identifiable entry feature. Low stone walls constructed of local basalt fieldstones, areas of
Tuscan Toppings gravel and long, curved timber bench seats contrast with the metal. Planting is simple and bold to further complement the existing River Red Gums and includes Lomandra longifolia (Spiny Headed Mat Rush), Lomandra ‘Tanika’ (Lomandra), Leptospermum ‘Burgundy’ (Burgundy Tea tree) and Correa reflexa (Common Correa).